|  | Love your spirit! Thank you for creating and sharing. | -- Eileen, 8/31/14
 | Been a long time. We were neighbors in the JWDobbs warehouses, so imagine my delight when I spotted one of your paintings & immediately knew the work. I'm thrilled to see your success. :) | -- Eiko Newhouse, 2/19/13
 | great body of work, perhaps someday you and I can do a bit of collaboration. when you find some spare time, be nice if you can visit my site and like you, I value fellow artists critique. | -- Arch Barcha, 12/5/11
 | hi stuart! i just wanted to drop you a line to say hello and to also commend you on your outstanding paintings, again. truly really good 'stuff', man...thanks - joshua morrell | -- Joshua Morrell, 4/23/11
 | Stuart, We met a couple years ago in SF at the Hotel Utah where Todd Shipley was performing. I grew up with him in Chillicothe and was also friends with Jason McNutt in Marietta who you grew up with. I currently live in Fairfield. I have been looking through your work and there are some pieces that definitely caught my eye. Are all of your works available for purchase and if so how might I go about viewing them in-person. All the best, Alan McCorkle | -- Alan Mccorkle, 1/21/11
 | Your work is very moving and inspirational. It's really amazing. Thanks for sharing. | -- Linda Veraldo, 9/9/10
 | Amazing work! I am so impressed...so glad to see you experiencing success. | -- Ericka Felter Schneider, 8/11/10
 | good stuff there stumonji, looks like the bay area has been inspiirational. | -- Jhymn, 8/6/10
 | Very nice work..fresh and vibrant..very inspirational | -- Amy Dobbs, 8/31/09
 | I wish I could see the sculptures in person! So good. | -- Linda Anderson, 6/10/09
 | thank you for decorating my walls with your works of art :) | -- Kristin Englund, 6/3/09
 | sup stu... | -- Andy Mason, 5/15/09
 | Man, you sure have come a long way. I love you work. If you ever need any work published I am a Graphic Artist and would enjoy the challenge. Keep up the good work. | -- Steve Riley, 5/12/09
 | Love your work!!! | -- Norma Brinker, 4/14/09
 | miss ya | -- Nicole Kozon, 4/9/09
 | Looking forward to working with you. | -- Leo Madrid, 4/4/09
 | I just watched your videos... think of you and your brothers so often. Stop by and say hello the next time you are in Atlanta. ox Moody Lou | -- Amanda, 3/23/09
 | Wonderful use of color and texture! I am glad to see you haven't been wasting those years since I saw you last, keep up the great work! | -- Greg Levitre, 3/23/09
 | Love your work Brother!!! Keep it up. Amen - Josh | -- Joshua Morrell, 3/17/09
 | Great site, man!! Love the fucking videos! Have never seen so much of your work at once. Amazing. Good to hear from you and I'm glad you're well- looks like your life is an artwork in progress. Lets hear it for process, eh? | -- Chip Schwartz, 3/3/09
 | fantastic! | -- Heather Flanagan Bobbett, 3/3/09
 | Hey, I am SOOOO impressed! Good for you! Still haven't figured it all out, but you're in Atlanta??? only 5 hours away!! | -- Brenton Gath, 2/8/09
 | happy gnu pap shmear! | -- Steven Brock, 1/20/09
 | Awesome works! | -- Xavier Carter, 7/16/08
 | Hi Stuart. It was nice to meet you yesterday. The girls and I enjoyed seeing your art and video. Thanks. Anna | -- Anna Kane, 6/16/08
 | wazzup hall d. looks like thigs are going good for you! awsome to see | -- Dj Red Waynealanbaugh, 6/9/08
 | I just wanted to say I love your paintings. It was a pleasure to meet you in the airport. Thanks for the great conversation and laughs. If you make that T-shirt about Bush I want to see it! Take care | -- Sharlene, 4/6/08
 | I love your work. It is so Inspiring. | -- Megan A Tourtellotte, 4/5/08
 | Nice to meet you this evening in Berkeley. | -- Thomas Grundig, 3/20/08
 | I really like "The Gift". The look angst, the just pulled flowers. This guy has screwed up and is looking for forgiveness. At least the emotion it evokes from me. Miss ya Stu, hope all is well. Jeff Baer 3/19/08 | -- Jeff Baer, 3/20/08
 | oh, i just love it all... | -- Manda, 3/2/08