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31 comments | Read all

Love your spirit! Thank you for creating and sharing.
-- Eileen, 8/31/14

Been a long time. We were neighbors in the JWDobbs warehouses, so imagine my delight when I spotted one of your paintings & immediately knew the work. I'm thrilled to see your success. :)
-- Eiko Newhouse, 2/19/13

great body of work, perhaps someday you and I can do a bit of collaboration. when you find some spare time, be nice if you can visit my site and like you, I value fellow artists critique.
-- Arch Barcha, 12/5/11

hi stuart! i just wanted to drop you a line to say hello and to also commend you on your outstanding paintings, again. truly really good 'stuff', man...thanks - joshua morrell
-- Joshua Morrell, 4/23/11

Stuart, We met a couple years ago in SF at the Hotel Utah where Todd Shipley was performing. I grew up with him in Chillicothe and was also friends with Jason McNutt in Marietta who you grew up with. I currently live in Fairfield. I have been looking through your work and there are some pieces that definitely caught my eye. Are all of your works available for purchase and if so how might I go about viewing them in-person. All the best, Alan McCorkle
-- Alan Mccorkle, 1/21/11

Your work is very moving and inspirational. It's really amazing. Thanks for sharing.
-- Linda Veraldo, 9/9/10

Amazing work! I am so glad to see you experiencing success.
-- Ericka Felter Schneider, 8/11/10

good stuff there stumonji, looks like the bay area has been inspiirational.
-- Jhymn, 8/6/10

Very nice work..fresh and vibrant..very inspirational
-- Amy Dobbs, 8/31/09

I wish I could see the sculptures in person! So good.
-- Linda Anderson, 6/10/09

thank you for decorating my walls with your works of art :)
-- Kristin Englund, 6/3/09

sup stu...
-- Andy Mason, 5/15/09

Man, you sure have come a long way. I love you work. If you ever need any work published I am a Graphic Artist and would enjoy the challenge. Keep up the good work.
-- Steve Riley, 5/12/09

Norma BrinkerLove your work!!!
-- Norma Brinker, 4/14/09

miss ya
-- Nicole Kozon, 4/9/09

Looking forward to working with you.
-- Leo Madrid, 4/4/09

I just watched your videos... think of you and your brothers so often. Stop by and say hello the next time you are in Atlanta. ox Moody Lou
-- Amanda, 3/23/09

Wonderful use of color and texture! I am glad to see you haven't been wasting those years since I saw you last, keep up the great work!
-- Greg Levitre, 3/23/09

Love your work Brother!!! Keep it up. Amen - Josh
-- Joshua Morrell, 3/17/09

Great site, man!! Love the fucking videos! Have never seen so much of your work at once. Amazing. Good to hear from you and I'm glad you're well- looks like your life is an artwork in progress. Lets hear it for process, eh?
-- Chip Schwartz, 3/3/09